Possible mediums
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''Possible Mediums'' presents a collection of sixteen speculative design mediums by emerging architects. Each chapter defines an active medium in contemporary architecture through descriptions, drawings, and objects. ''Possible Mediums'' arranges projects according to shared technical and aesthetic traits, creating a vibrant taxonomy of design. Descriptive texts explain(...)
Contemporary Architecture
February 2019
Possible mediums
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''Possible Mediums'' presents a collection of sixteen speculative design mediums by emerging architects. Each chapter defines an active medium in contemporary architecture through descriptions, drawings, and objects. ''Possible Mediums'' arranges projects according to shared technical and aesthetic traits, creating a vibrant taxonomy of design. Descriptive texts explain the working principles behind each medium and introduce design concepts intended to inspire students and professionals alike. Through its many contributors, ''Possible Mediums'' establishes design as a collective endeavor propelled by the open exchange of ideas and techniques. ''Possible Mediums'' is not a systematic theory, a manifesto, or a banal survey; it is a projection of architecture and knowledge to come.
Contemporary Architecture
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Héritier des contreplongées spiralées du Monument à la IIIe Internationale de Tatline (1919-1920) et contemporain de la créativité filmique d'Octobre (1927), de La Ligne générale (1929) et de deux projets inachevés, Capital (1927-1928) et Glass House (1926-1930), ce dernier aurait dû mettre en abyme l'Architecture et le Cinéma. Fils de l'architecte Mikhaïl Eisenstein(...)
La Glass House de Sergeï Eisenstein
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Héritier des contreplongées spiralées du Monument à la IIIe Internationale de Tatline (1919-1920) et contemporain de la créativité filmique d'Octobre (1927), de La Ligne générale (1929) et de deux projets inachevés, Capital (1927-1928) et Glass House (1926-1930), ce dernier aurait dû mettre en abyme l'Architecture et le Cinéma. Fils de l'architecte Mikhaïl Eisenstein (1867-1920), Sergueï Eisenstein (1898-1948) réinvente la transparence de l’« espace cinématographique » (le tournage d'intérieurs, la pellicule, la projection). Mais comme constructiviste et homme de théâtre, il entendait également scénariser la dystopie capitaliste par le biais d’une transformation sociale inspirée par les tours de verre de Mies van der Rohe et Frank Lloyd Wright.
November 2017
Architecture Monographs
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This issue is devoted to the Italian designer, artist, and inventor Bruno Munari, whose visual experiments were so iconic as to become a self-evident part of visual culture. At its core is the first English translation of ‘Obvious Code’ (1971), a collection of Munari’s own writings, sketches, and poems about his work. It includes iconic design objects such as the(...)
The Serving Library annual 2019/20 : Bruno Munari Obvious Code
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This issue is devoted to the Italian designer, artist, and inventor Bruno Munari, whose visual experiments were so iconic as to become a self-evident part of visual culture. At its core is the first English translation of ‘Obvious Code’ (1971), a collection of Munari’s own writings, sketches, and poems about his work. It includes iconic design objects such as the Abitacolo, artworks like his series of handmade projection slides, obscure rhymes about the art market, and an original piece from his 'unreadable books' series. Dozens of artists, designers, writers, and curators were invited to annotate Munari’s texts as a testament to the depth of his influence on international art.
Design Monographs
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Un véritable rejet du mouvement moderne a émergé en France durant la décennie 1960. Des architectes et des artistes mènent alors des recherches sur le voile de béton, qui offre une immense liberté d’expression et une souplesse tant formelle que technique. Influencés par Antoni Gaudí ou Frederick Kiesler, inspirés par la nature, ils se tournent vers la création de volumes(...)
Maisons-bulles: architectures organiques des années, 1960-1970
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Un véritable rejet du mouvement moderne a émergé en France durant la décennie 1960. Des architectes et des artistes mènent alors des recherches sur le voile de béton, qui offre une immense liberté d’expression et une souplesse tant formelle que technique. Influencés par Antoni Gaudí ou Frederick Kiesler, inspirés par la nature, ils se tournent vers la création de volumes ovoïdes. Dans une société passionnée par la science-fiction et les soucoupes volantes, ils composent des univers entre représentation primitive et projection futuriste. Leur choix pour les structures en forme de bulles sera à la fois économique, esthétique et pratique : coquille protectrice, elle doit s’accorder parfaitement aux gestes quotidiens.
Experimentale architecture
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Countering the prevailing view, which reduces Lefebvre’s theory of space to a projection of his philosophical positions, Stanek argues that Lefebvre’s work grew out of his concrete, empirical engagement with everyday practices of dwelling in postwar France and his exchanges with architects and planners. Stanek focuses on the interaction between architecture, urbanism,(...)
Henri Lefebvre on space: architecture, urban research, and the production of theory
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Countering the prevailing view, which reduces Lefebvre’s theory of space to a projection of his philosophical positions, Stanek argues that Lefebvre’s work grew out of his concrete, empirical engagement with everyday practices of dwelling in postwar France and his exchanges with architects and planners. Stanek focuses on the interaction between architecture, urbanism, sociology, and philosophy that occurred in France in the 1960s and 1970s, which was marked by a shift in the processes of urbanization at all scales, from the neighborhood to the global level. Lefebvre’s thinking was central to this encounter, which informed both his theory of space and the concept of urbanization becoming global.
Architectural Theory
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As ecology becomes the new engineering, the projection of landscape as infrastructure—the contemporary alignment of the disciplines of landscape architecture, civil engineering, and urban planning— has become pressing. Predominant challenges facing urban regions and territories today—including shifting climates, material flows, and population mobilities, are addressed and(...)
Landscape as infrastructure: a base primer
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As ecology becomes the new engineering, the projection of landscape as infrastructure—the contemporary alignment of the disciplines of landscape architecture, civil engineering, and urban planning— has become pressing. Predominant challenges facing urban regions and territories today—including shifting climates, material flows, and population mobilities, are addressed and strategized here. Responding to the under-performance of master planning and over-exertion of technological systems at the end of twentieth century, this book argues for the strategic design of "infrastructural ecologies," describing a synthetic landscape of living, biophysical systems that operate as urban infrastructures to shape and direct the future of urban economies and cultures into the 21st century.
Urban Landscapes
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Entre politique des villes nouvelles et destin spécifique, inscription dans la longue histoire de l'aménagement de la région parisienne et projection dans le futur du Grand Paris, Marne-la-Vallée occupe une place à la fois révélatrice et singulière qui interroge la manière de produire la ville en France depuis la Seconde Guerre mondiale. À l'occasion des quarante ans de(...)
Architecture since 1900, Europe
January 2013
De la ville nouvelle à la ville durable Marne-la-Vallée
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Entre politique des villes nouvelles et destin spécifique, inscription dans la longue histoire de l'aménagement de la région parisienne et projection dans le futur du Grand Paris, Marne-la-Vallée occupe une place à la fois révélatrice et singulière qui interroge la manière de produire la ville en France depuis la Seconde Guerre mondiale. À l'occasion des quarante ans de la fondation de cette ville nouvelle et de son établissement public d'aménagement, dix-huit auteurs, historiens, urbanistes, architectes et ingénieurs, abordent à travers différents thèmes l'ensemble des aspects de cet acte d'aménagement majeur, depuis les prémices de sa création jusqu'à ses dernières réalisations en cours.
Architecture since 1900, Europe
ix, 329 pages ; 21 cm.
Lausanne : Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes, 2010.
Antiurbain : origines et conséquences de l'urbaphobie / publié sous la direction de Joëlle Salomon Cavin, Bernard Marchand.
ix, 329 pages ; 21 cm.
Lausanne : Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes, 2010.
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Examining a wide range of art forms, Murray reflects on the rhetorical, emotive, and social forces inherent in the screen arts’ dialogue with early modern concepts. Among the works discussed are digitally oriented films by Peter Greenaway, Jean-Luc Godard, and Chris Marker; video installations by Thierry Kuntzel, Keith Piper, and Renate Ferro; and interactive media works(...)
Digital baroque: new media art and cinematic folds
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Examining a wide range of art forms, Murray reflects on the rhetorical, emotive, and social forces inherent in the screen arts’ dialogue with early modern concepts. Among the works discussed are digitally oriented films by Peter Greenaway, Jean-Luc Godard, and Chris Marker; video installations by Thierry Kuntzel, Keith Piper, and Renate Ferro; and interactive media works by Toni Dove, David Rokeby, and Jill Scott. Sophisticated readings reveal the electronic psychosocial webs and digital representations that link text, film, and computer. Murray puts forth an innovative Deleuzian psychophilosophical approach—one that argues that understanding new media art requires a fundamental conceptual shift from linear visual projection to nonlinear temporal folds intrinsic to the digital form.
Art Theory
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Scolari's illustrated studies show that illusionistic perspective is not the only, or even the best, representation of objects in history; parallel projection, for example, preserves in scale the actual measurements of objects it represents, avoiding the distortions of one-point perspective. Scolari analyzes the use of nonperspectival representations in pre-Renaissance(...)
Oblique drawing : a history of anti-perspective
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Scolari's illustrated studies show that illusionistic perspective is not the only, or even the best, representation of objects in history; parallel projection, for example, preserves in scale the actual measurements of objects it represents, avoiding the distortions of one-point perspective. Scolari analyzes the use of nonperspectival representations in pre-Renaissance images of machines and military hardware, architectural models and drawings, and illustrations of geometrical solids. He challenges Panofsky's theory of Pompeiian perspective and explains the difficulties encountered by the Chinese when they viewed Jesuit missionaries' perspectival religious images. Scolari demonstrates the diversity of representational forms devised through the centuries, and shows how each one reveals something that is lacking in the others.
Architectural Theory