20th century, 404 Erreur, 404 Error, archives Prelinger, ARPANET, informatique polymorphe, polymorphic computing, Prelinger Archives, XXe siècle
18 October 2010
Take care
20th century, Alvar Aalto, disease, Finland, Finlande, hôpital, hospital, hotel, hôtel, maladie, publication, socio-politics, sociopolitique, XXe siècle
9 June 2010
Take care
The Information Hive
20th century, Cedric Price, dessin, drawing, Eidophor, Fun Palace, J. Lyons & Co., London, London Hydraulic Power Company, Londres, Marshall McLuhan, media, média, Oxford Corner House, XXe siècle
9 March 2011
Lexical Holes
20th century, A W-Hole House, Boston Road Floor Hole, Bronx Floors, Datum Cut, film, Frances Richard, Gordon Matta-Clark, photographie, photography, Quadrille, Rooftop Atrium, Splitting, Threshole, XXe siècle
12 December 2019
20th century, Alfred Gotthold Meyer, Allemagne, Deutscher Werkbund, engineering, Friedrich Naumann, Germany, ingénierie, Ingenieur-Ästhetik, Joseph August Lux, Karl Marx, Katherine Romba, Munich, Rudolf Metzger, William Morris, XXe siècle
14 October 2010
Noise Versus Noise
The rest of your senses
20th century, acouphène, acoustics, acoustique, ambiance, atmosphere, BLDGBLOG, bruit, construction, flooring, Geoff@CCA, Geoff Manaugh, hauts talons, high heels, histoire, history, isolant phonique, machine, noise, paysage sonore, plancher, Sabine von Fischer, son, sound, soundproofing, soundscape, tinnitus, XXe siècle
13 February 2017
The rest of your senses
Journeys and translation
20th century, Arkhitektura SSSR, béton, concrete, Cuba, CUJAE, Fidel Castro, Havane, Hugo Palmarola, hurricane Flora, Janet Abrams, Moscou, Moscow, Nikita Khrouchtchev, ouragan Flora, Pedro Ignacio Alonso, Salvador Allende, Santiago del Cuba, Soviet Union, Union soviétique, URSS, USSR, Viterbo O’Reilly, XXe siècle
17 June 2016
17 June 2016
Journeys and translation
Sounding Towers
The rest of your senses
20th century, 21st century, Carlotta Darò, Chabolovka, communism, communisme, El Lissitzky, Emily Thompson, Geoff Manaugh, Ilia Chashnik, Karin Bijsterveld, Lenin, Lénine, Lissitzky, photographie, photography, radio, Richard Pare, Sabine von Fischer, Sensations urbaines, Sense of the City, Shabolovka, Soviet Union, Susan Buck-Morss, technologie, technology, tour, tower, Union soviétique, Vitebsk, Vladimir Shukhov, XXe siècle, XXIe siècle
23 July 2012
The rest of your senses
First, the Forests
Nature reorganized
16th century, 20th century, carte, D'abord les forêts, Dan Handel, dessin, drawing, États-Unis, First the Forests, forest, foresterie, forestry, forêt, Inde, India, Italie, Italy, map, photographie, photography, Programme pour jeune commissaire, United States, Venice, Venise, XVIe siècle, XXe siècle, Young Curator Program
28 August 2012
Nature reorganized
Controlling Comfort
The rest of your senses
20th century, advertisement, air conditioning, American Iron and Steel Institute, Amérique du Nord, Architectural Forum, Architectural Review, Chrysler, climatisation, Committee on Steel Pipe Research, États-Unis, House Beautiful, Manfredo di Robilant, National Electric Products, North America, Progressive Architecture, publication, publicité, Seconde Guerre mondiale, Second World War, technologie, technology, United States, XXe siècle
1 October 2012
The rest of your senses