Library for the city of Montréal, Montréal, Québec
circa 1958
File documents Melvin Charney's senior thesis project for his B. Arch. from McGill University. Includes textual records and photographic materials.
Material in this series was likely kept in it's original order when it was first processed upon it's arrival at CCA.
Montréal Île de Montréal Québec Canada
Trier par:
Originally held in a box labelled: MC PERSONAL ARCHIVES 1950’s - 1965. Folder containing a short report by Melvin Charney. Labelled "LIBRARY FOR MONTREAL THESIS PROJECT".
1 loose-leaf binder(s)
Melvin Charney fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Don de Dara Charney/
Gift of Dara Charney
Originally held in a box labelled: MC PERSONAL ARCHIVES 1950’s - 1965. Folder containing a report written by Melvin Charney during his time as a student at McGill University. Includes photographs. Inscribed in black ink: "PRELIMINARY THESIS REPORT A CIVIC LIBRARY".
1 loose-leaf binder(s)
Melvin Charney fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Don de Dara Charney/
Gift of Dara Charney
Originally held in a box labelled: MC PERSONAL ARCHIVES 1950’s - 1965. Folder containing notes and a short report written by Melvin Charney during his time as a student at McGill University. Labelled "THESIS PROJECT: A LIBRARY FOR MONTREAL by: mel charney 1958".
1 loose-leaf binder(s)
Melvin Charney fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Don de Dara Charney/
Gift of Dara Charney
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