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Publications and Exhibitions
Series 4
This series contains material on publications and exhibitions concerning Goldsmith work and career. Papers and photographs record the creation of the book Myron Goldsmith: Buildings and Concepts, edited by Swiss architect Werner Blaser and published by Rizzoli Publications in 1987. The updating of Goldsmith's theoretical views are apparent in the manuscript drafts and revisions of his two essays for the book - "The Effects of Scale," reworked from his I.I.T. master's thesis, and the newly composed "Structural Architecture."
This series also contains documents concerning retrospective exhibitions on Goldsmith originating at Harvard University (1982), and at the Canadian Centre for Architecture (1991). This material includes papers, correspondence, exhibition panels and wall text panels. The inclusion of periodicals and clippings on the architect's work, and the work of his students, supply a good bibliographic background on the architect.
This series into arranged into subseries documenting different publications, exhibitions, or subjects.
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