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Project and Proposal Documentation
The abbreviation "n.c.", which represents "no client", occasionally appears in the project descriptions. This indicates that the client is unknown for that particular project or that the project was initiated by Van Ginkel Associates. Throughout its practice, Van Ginkel Associates devoted much of its time to research and design projects that were generated and paid for by the firm itself. Several of these projects were initiated by members of the staff.
Project drawings, because of the multi-disciplinary nature of the firm's work and the scale of some of its commissions, differ greatly in extent, content, format, and size. The drawings therefore have been kept in their original groupings. The original titles assigned to the material by the creators while stored in tubes was transferred to their present folders.
Series AP027.S1 is arranged chronologically by project dates followed by undated projects.
Documents are mainly in English, with some French, Spanish, and Portuguese materiel.
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