Collection May Cutler sur Expo 67

Collection May Cutler sur Expo 67

Inclus dans

Personnes et institutions

  • May Cutler (archive creator)


Collection May Cutler sur Expo 67

Dates de création



  • archives

Niveau de description archivistique



  • 630 photographs
  • 206 slides
  • 0.1 l.m. of textual records
  • 27 contact sheets
  • 9 negatives
  • 2 sound recordings

Présentation du contenu

The collection consists of Expo'67 material assembled by May Cutler for a never-realized publication. The fonds consists of photographic materials, textual records, and a phonograph record related to Expo 67 (1963-1967). Also included are photographs of other world's fairs (1914-1915, 1958, 1963-1967), and a phonograph record and textual record on the 1968 exhibition 'Man and His World'. The fonds is divided into two series. The first series contains all the photographic material, while the second contains ephemera, manuscripts, and sound recordings.

Numéro de réference


Mode de classement

The collection is divided into two series.

Note biographique

May Cutler (born Ebbitt) was born September 4th, 1923, in the east end of Montréal, to father William Ebbitt, a police officer, and mother Francis Ebbitt (born Farrell). They were Irish immigrants. May Cutler was the youngest of three children.

She married Phil Cutler in 1952. Phil Cutler was a Canadian labor lawyer, who died in 1987. They had four boys: Keir, Adam and Michael (twins), and Roger.

She was a graduate of McGill University (Montréal), where she earned Bachelor and Master of Arts degrees. She also earned a Master of Arts in journalism from Columbia University in New York City

Following her graduate studies at Columbia University, May Cutler went to work for the United Nations as A receptionist. When she returned to Montréal, she completed her second masters degree in English literature at McGill University. At the same time, she became a columnist and reporter for the "Montreal Herald" and she wrote articles for the "Montreal Standard" as well. She also founded a three-year program in journalism at McGill University.

In 1967, Cutler founded Tundra Books and became the first Canadian woman publisher of children's books. She ran Tundra Books for almost 30 years. The publishing house was sold to the McClelland & Stewart publishing firm in 1998. Tundra Books published May Cutler's works, such as her novel "The Last Noble Savage" and her biography of W. Kurelek entitled "Breaking Free: The Story of William Kurelek".

The death of her husband in 1987 coincided with her political campaign for mayor of Westmount, where she defeated the mayor, Brian Gallery. She served one four-year term and declined to run for re-election in 1991.

May Cutler passed away on March 3, 2011 at the age of 87. She is survived by her four sons and 6 grandchildren.

Conditions d’accès

  • Audiovisual recordings must be digitized for access. Researchers may request access by contacting Reference at ref@cca.qc.ca. Access by appointment only.

Conditions de réproduction

  • Contact the CCA for copyright information and permission to reproduce (reproductions@cca.qc.ca).

Modalités d’entrée

  • Gift of May Cutler in 1995

Historique de la conservation

The CCA receive the collection in 1995.

Notes de l’archiviste

  • The inventory was completed by Robert Desaulniers in 1995. The finding aid was done by Mysti-Dawn MacMillan (Summer 2010) and Jennifer Préfontaine (May to August 2011).

Langue et écriture des documents

English, French, German


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