Tower of Cards and 1 Joker
File 73
File documents an executed project for a landmark in Groningen, Netherlands. The project by John Hejduk is part of a masterplan by Daniel Libeskind titled Stadsmarkering Groningen and commissioned by the city of Groningen to commemorate its 950th anniversary by placing ten artworks at the access roads to Groningen. In addition to Hejduk and Libeskind, who also contributed an artwork, participants included Kurt Walter Forster, Akira Asada and Shiro Takatani, Thom Puckey, Gunner Daan, Heiner Müller, William Forsythe, Leonhard Lapin and Enn Laansoo, and Paul Virilio. Hejduk's project comprises three components: the Tower of Cards, the Tower of Letters, and the Joker's Perch. Material in this file was produced in 1990.
File contains a study model.
1 study model(s)
model: 117 x 6 x 6 cm
- Model comprises 52 playing cards joined at the edges with masking tape and one playing card (the "joker"), which is not attached. The model is folded flat.
John Hejduk fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal
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