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Pierre Jeanneret
Dossier 1
Le dossier documente les photographies prises par Pierre Jeanneret durant son passage à Chandigarh, en Inde, de 1951 à 1965. Le dossier inclut des photographies de la vie quotidienne à Chandigarh, des résidences privées et gouvernementales, des écoles, de l'Université du Panjab et du Capitol. Le matériel dans ce dossier a été produit entre 1954 et 1965. Le dossier contient des photographies.
File documents the photographs taken by Pierre Jeanneret during his stay at Chandigarh, in India, in 19510 to 1965. The file includes photographs of the everyday life at Chandigarh, private and governmental residences, schools, the Panjab University and the Capitol, and a photograph of furniture he designed. The material in this file was produced between 1954 and 1965. The file contains photographs.
Trier par:
1 photograph(s)
Gelatin silver print mounted on board
composition: 29,5 × 39,4 cm secondary support: 29,5 × 39,4 cm
Inscribed by unknown hand, on secondary support, verso, in blue ink: SOUTH EAST VIEW OF ASSEMBLY BUILDING, CHANDIGARH. / ARCHITECT: LE CORBUSIER / PHOTO : JEANNERET .; stamped, in navy blue ink: Photo de Pierre JEANNERET / ARCHITECTE / 11, rue Toepffer - GENÈVE / -- Tous droits réservés -- / MENTION OBLIGATOIRE / Genève / Tél. 46 46 32; and numbered, in graphite: 24
Chandigarh Inde
Fonds Pierre Jeanneret
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Don de Jacqueline Jeanneret/
Gift of Jacqueline Jeanneret
Group consists of 14 photographs by Pierre Jeanneret of some of the private villas and government housing (the single residences and the communal housing) designed by Pierre Jeanneret in Chandigarh, India.
There are photographs of the House for Mr Gautham Sahgal in sector 5 and a photograph of the House of the Circuit House in sector 6. There is also a photograph of the Members of Legislative Assembly Hostel (MLA Hostel) in an unidentified sector (sector 3 or 4), House Type 10-J in sector 9, three photographs of the House Type 13-J (Double Storey) in an unidentified sector, two photographs of the House Type 10-JB in sector 22, a photograph of the House Type 12-JE in an unidentified sector, two photograph the House Type 4-J and a photograph of the House Type 11-J (Single Storeyed) in an unidentified sector. The group also includes a photograph of an unidentifed house's detail of construction.
1 photograph(s)
Gelatin silver prints on paper; gelatin silver prints on paper mounted on thin cardboard
sheet (smallest; irreg.): 16.6 x 16.5 cm sheet (largest; irreg.): 17.2 x 21.8 cm
Fonds Pierre Jeanneret
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Don de Jacqueline Jeanneret/
Gift of Jacqueline Jeanneret
Two photographs of the Houses Type 13-J (Single Storey) or Houses for Peons in the sector 23 of Chandigarh, India.
1 photograph(s)
Gelatin silver prints on paper mounted on thin cardboard
composition (range; for individual images): 12.8 to 15.3 x 19.5 to 20.5 cm secondary support: 42 x 29.9 cm
Two photographs mounted on a cardboard.
Fonds Pierre Jeanneret
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Don de Jacqueline Jeanneret/
Gift of Jacqueline Jeanneret
1 photograph(s)
Gelatin silver print on paper
sheet: 17.4 x 21.7 cm
Fonds Pierre Jeanneret
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Don de Jacqueline Jeanneret/
Gift of Jacqueline Jeanneret
Group consists of 4 photographs by Pierre Jeanneret of some of the Panjab University's buildings in sector 14 in Chandigarh, India, designed by Pierre Jeanneret.
There is a photograph of the University Hostel for Girls and two photographs of the University Hostel for Boys. There is also a photograph of the Gandhi Bhawan.
1 photograph(s)
Gelatin silver prints on paper; gelatin silver prints on paper mounted on thin cardboard
sheet (range for individual images): 14.4 to 21.6.x 15.2 to 21.7 cm
Fonds Pierre Jeanneret
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Don de Jacqueline Jeanneret/
Gift of Jacqueline Jeanneret
Objets catalogués:
Group consists of 9 photographs by Pierre Jeanneret of some of the Capitol’s buildings designed by Le Corbusier in sector 1 in Chandigarh, India. It contains photographs of the High Court in Chandigarh, India.
1 photograph(s)
Gelatin silver print on paper; gelatin silver print on paper mounted on cardboard
sheets: 8.9 x 12.8 cm
Fonds Pierre Jeanneret
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Don de Jacqueline Jeanneret/
Gift of Jacqueline Jeanneret
Objets catalogués:
1 photograph(s)
Gelatin silver print on paper
Fonds Pierre Jeanneret
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Don de Jacqueline Jeanneret/
Gift of Jacqueline Jeanneret
Objets catalogués:
Group consists of 6 photographs by Pierre Jeanneret of some of the Panjab University's buildings in sector 10 in Chandigarh, India, designed by Pierre Jeanneret.
There is a photograph of the University's Administration Building, a photograph of the University Arts College, two photographs of the University Arts College, including a south view and a detail of the building under construction. There are also two photographs of the University Library.
1 photograph(s)
Gelatin silver prints on paper mounted on thin cardboard
composition (range; for individual images): 14.1 to 14.2 x 19.5 to 23.2 cm secondary supports: 42 x 29.9 cm
Fonds Pierre Jeanneret
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Don de Jacqueline Jeanneret/
Gift of Jacqueline Jeanneret
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