Open Arena – Töölö Football Stadium, international competition entry, Helsinki, Finland (1997)

Open Arena – Töölö Football Stadium, international competition entry, Helsinki, Finland (1997)

Inclus dans

Personnes et institutions

  • Johan Bettum (archive creator)
  • OCEAN North (architectural firm)
  • Kivi Sotamaa (collaborator)
  • Bonsak Schieldrop (collaborator)
  • Kim Baumann Larsen (collaborator)
  • Lasse Wager (collaborator)
  • Markus Holmstén (collaborator)
  • Vesa Oiva (collaborator)


Open Arena – Töölö Football Stadium, international competition entry, Helsinki, Finland (1997)

Dates de création


Niveau de description archivistique



  • 283 digital files (760 MB)

Présentation du contenu

Project records document OCEAN North’s design for their competition entry for the Töölö Football Stadium in Helsinki in 1997. The project was titled Open Arena by OCEAN North.

The site for the football stadium was in the Töölö neighbourhood and adjoining the Helsinki Olympic Stadium, located in a park area. OCEAN North’s entry was a building that would integrate with its natural surroundings while being able to accommodate a variety of activities and events.

The structure has three topological surfaces that were devised through an iterative process: initial drawings made in Adobe Illustrator, modelling made with form*Z and manually transferred on Plexiglas sections, modifications made on the Plexiglas sections captured back into the CAD drawing, etc. At some point in the design process, the Channelling Systems approach was developed and used to analyze the structure’s dynamic relationship with its surroundings.

Records show different stages of the design process and include at least one photograph of the Plexiglas sections referenced above. Digital files are grouped according to their function: Channelling Systems analysis, 2D graft spatial exploration, and plans and sections. There are also libraries of images and textures which may have been used for other drawings and models. Over half of the files are raster or vector images likely created by CAD software. This includes images of renderings. CAD drawings are in the native Microstation format, although one is in form*Z format. Textual records present the project and for the most part are the accompanying documentation for the competition entry, including legends for plans and sections.

Timestamps for some of the digital files extend past the date of the competition. It is likely that these dates reflect when files were transferred to the Jaz drive for storage.

Numéro de réference


Mode de classement

Material from this project was arranged by the creator and has been kept in its original order.


Helsinki Finlande

Langue et écriture des documents



  • Voir plus Fermer
    • Numéro de réference: AP194.S1.1997.PR01.001
    • Titre: Drawings, models and documentation for the Töölö Football Stadium Competition
    • Dates de création: 1997-2000
    • Classification: dessins, maquettes, né numérique
    • Objets catalogués : 0

    Personnes et institutions:

    • Johan Bettum (archive creator)


    Partial contents of a Jaz drive labelled "PROJECTS TWO". Most common file formats: Tagged Image File Format, Macintosh PICT Image, Encapsulated PostScript File Format, Microstation CAD Drawing

    Quantité / Type d’objet:

    1 File


    • 283 digital files (760 MB)

    Mention de crédit:

    Johan Bettum OCEAN North project records,
    Collection Centre Canadien d’Architecture/
    Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
    Don de Johan Bettum/
    Gift of Johan Bettum


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