OCEAN reference files
Series consist of records associated with different projects devised by OCEAN and OCEAN North prior to 1999 and retained as reference material by Johan Bettum, who did not collaborate on every project.
Records occasionally include some photographs, but for the most part are images from work done with CAD software. These include plans, diagrams, renderings and views (sections, perspectives) of buildings, landscapes, exhibition scenography, and exhibited items. The amount and type of materials varies largely between projects.
Files were transferred to CCA on a CD and their timestamps suggests that materials were copied for reference purpose in the first few months of 1998. The CD cover bears the date of June 3rd 1999. Projects date from 1994 to 1998.
Projects included in the reference files are:
Barbican, London (OCEAN Helsinki): likely an exhibition design.
Museum, Buenos Aires (OCEAN U.K., 1997): a building design for a competition.
Finnish Embassy, Canberra (OCEAN Oslo & Helsinki, 1996): an international architectural competition entry.
Helsinki Nightclub (OCEAN Helsinki): a building design.
Jeil’s Hospital, Seoul (OCEAN U.K., 1996): a building design.
Jyväskylä Music and Arts Center (OCEAN Oslo & Helsinki, 1997): an international architectural competition entry. See also Series 1 for more records on this project.
Lasipalatsi Media Square (OCEAN U.K.): a landscape design.
Synthetic Landscape I-II, Oslo (OCEAN Oslo, 1995-1996): a landscape design. See also Series 1 for more records on this research project.
Surfscape, Helsinki (OCEAN Helsinki, 1997): sculpture for an exhibition.
Töölö Football Stadium, Hels. (OCEAN Oslo & Helsinki, 1997): an international architectural competition entry. See also Series 1 for more records on this project.
Urban Surfaces, Oslo (OCEAN, 1997-1998): photographs of an exhibition.
Ateljié Sotamaa. “Portfolio.” Accessed November 2017, http://portfolio.sotamaa.net/
OCEAN design Research Association, “Exhibitions.” Accessed November 2017, http://www.ocean-designresearch.net/index.php/exhibitions-mainmenu-120/list-of-exhibitions
FRAC, “Catalog, OCEAN.” Accessed November 2017, http://www.archilab.org/public/2000/catalog/ocean/oceanen.htm
OCEAN CN Consultancy Network, “Projects.” Accessed November 2017, http://ocean-cn.org/projects/
Materials were arranged by the creator and have been kept in its original order.
File consists of the content from a CD labelled "OCEAN Archives Slides, vol.1". Most common file formats: Macintosh PICT Image, Adobe Photoshop
1 File
Johan Bettum OCEAN North project records,
Collection Centre Canadien d’Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Don de Johan Bettum/
Gift of Johan Bettum
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