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Paul Goesch
Series documents the contribution of architect Paul Goesch to the correspondence circle of Die gläserne Kette. Goesch participated using the pseudonym Tancred.
Born in Schwerin, Germany in 1985, Goesch studied architecture at the Technische Hochschule at Berlin-Charlottenburg. After his studies, he worked as a civil servant in Kulm and started producing his first drawings and watercolours between 1914 and 1916. He joined the Novembergruppe, an exhibiting group of painters, sculptors, architects and musicians that later merged with the Arbeitsrat für Kunst group led by Bruno Taut. He collaborated with Bruno Taut on the coloured-architecture program in Magdeburg, Germany in 1921, but was later hospitalized for mental illness, first in Göttingen, then in the Teupitz Hospital near Berlin in 1933 or 1934. In 1940, he was taken by the SS to Hartheim Euthanasia Centre where he was murdered on 6 September the same year. (Source: Ian Boyd Whyte, Bruno Taut and the Architecture of Activism. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1982)
The series comprises a letter of Paul Goesch to the Die gläserne Kette circle, as well as portraits, including a carte-de-visite, and a diploma.
The original order of these materials was not discernable when they arrived at CCA.
Part of a miscellaneous group of visual and textual documents collected by Oswald Mathais Ungers, apparently to represent the work of artists/architects in Die gläserne Kette. Consists of memorabelia of Paul Goesch, including 6 photographs and a diploma.
7 file(s)
comps. (range): 5,8 to 15,3 x 5,8 to 10,4 cm sheets (range): 6,2 to 40 x 5,9 to 30,6 cm
The six photographs were received together in a brown envelope, now in the object file. A sheet of tracing paper, the same size as the support, is attached to the t. verso of DR1988:0015:004. An image of a woman reaching for a star is printed on the paper, which was probably intended to serve as a cover for the photograph.
inscribed - on DR1988:0016:007 by L. Krayl ? in blue ball-point pen, verso, c.l.: "Prof / Karl Rade / Dresden; c.r.: "Paul Goesch" inscribed - on DR1988:0016:002 to DR1988:0016:006 by L. Krayl ? in blue ball-point pen, verso, in various locations: "Paul Goesch" imprinted - on DR1988:0016:002 and DR1988:0016:003, in black or brown ink, b. and verso: with the name, address, and telephone numbers of the photographic studios stamped - on DR1988:0016:004, pressed, l.r.: with name of photographic studio
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal
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