Ariele Dionne-Krosnick
McGill University, Peter Guo-hua Fu School of Architecture
« Swimming Studies: Pool Segregation in the United States (1950-70) »
Asya Ece Uzmay
Cornell University, Department of Architecture
« Making, Telling and Exhibiting Hygiene: Architectures of the New Standards of Hygiene in World Expos and International Hygiene Exhibitions »
Christian Alex Saavedra Martinez
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, School of Architecture
« From Devil´s Toy to Olympic grounds”: Skateboarding Montreal´s public space, 1966 – 2019 »
Clara Pollak
Technische Universität München, Chair of History of Architecture and Curatorial Practice
« Exhibiting CIAM – An in-depth study of Wells Coates, Mart Stam and Hazen Sise »
Demetra Vogiatzaki
Harvard University, GSD
« Constructing the Enlightenment Dream: Pragmatism and Imagination in Jacques-Guillaume Legrand’s Songe de Poliphile (1804) »
Elliott Sturtevant
Columbia University, GSAPP
« “Nature’s Storehouse is Man’s Benefactor”: Abundance, Corporatism, and Hydropower along the Niagara Frontier »
George Jepson
Architectural Association School of Architecture
« Photography, Typology, and Empire: The Logistics of Domestic Production and Colonial Extraction, Manchester 1850-1915 »
Hamish Lonergan
ETH Zurich, Institute for the History and Theory of Architecture (GTA)
« Tacit (Re)Turns: Encounters in architectural education, 1970s and 2020s »
Iva Resetar
Berlin University of the Arts, Institute for Architecture and Urban Planning, Chair for Digital and Experimental Design
« Heat Flows and Phase Transitions as Forms of Environmental Maintenance »
Maria Rius Ruiz
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Future Urban Collectives Lab
« “Inhabited Utopias” Gaudí Neighbourhood »
Putrikinasih Santoso
The University of Hong Kong, Department of Architecture
« Exposing Infrastructural Landscapes: Photography, Colonial Imagination, and the Global Network of Engineers »
Shota Vashakmadze
University of California, Los Angeles, Architecture and Urban Design
« The Intermediary Archive: Contextualizing Born Digital Artifacts »
Taro Zheming Cai
University of Toronto, John H. Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape and Design
« Chinese landscape architecture as a transnational exchange of landscape epistemologies and practices: the case of West Lake of Hangzhou, China »
Yannick Etoundi
Brown University, Department of the History of Art and Architecture
« Contemporary Sudano-Sahelian Architecture »
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