Group portrait of the original creative team of the Four Seasons Restaurant Grill Room, including Phyllis Lambert and Philip Johnson, Restaurant Four Seasons, Seagram Building, New York City, New York, United States
19 March 1999; 14 April 1999
Photograph commissioned by Vanity Fair. Published in Vanity Fair, "Season in the Sun", August 1999.Outside the bar, counterclockwise from rear left: former pastry chef Albert Kumin, former press agent Roger Martin, landscape architect Karl Linn, architecture critic Ada Louise Huxtable, project director Phyllis Lambert, architect Philip Johnson, sculptor Richard Lippold, lawyer Lester Klepper, former co-owner Tom Margittai. Inside the bar, from left: former executive chef Seppi Renggli, current chef Hitsch Albin, former press agent Philip Miles, current pastry chef Patrick Lemblé, adman George Lois, food writer Mimi Sheraton, sculptor Marilynn Gelfman Karp, adman Ron Holland, menu and logo designer Emil Antonucci, former director George Lang, current co-directors Alex von Bidder and Julian Niccolini.
Composite chromogenic colour print made of four negatives interconnected
comp.: 29.3 x 36.5 cm sheet: 31.5 x 46.4 cm
New York (City); New York; United States;
© Michael O'Neill
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