Wayfarers' Chapel, Palos Verdes, California: Plan for chapel and campanile developed on an equilateral parallelogram grid and two sections through the chapel
between 1946 and 1950
- The floor plan on this sheet of drawings for Wayfarers' Chapel, Palos Verdes, California, was developed on the equilateral parallelogram grid which is ruled on the verso. The grid unit is inscribed on several orthographic drawings (eg. DR1987:0530) and is described by Lloyd Wright in the architect's statement (DR1987:0869:011:009). The plan includes the chapel, vestry and part of the cloister. The cross section includes a sketch of one of the wall planters.
Graphite; verso: graphite and pen and red ink
sheet: 89.1 x 118.7 cm
DR1987:0531 R/V
- Sheet has folds along several edges.
inscribed - by the draughtsman, in graphite, l.c.: "FLOOR PLAN"; and in various locations: with identification of features on the plan stamped and numbered - l.r.: "199" [job number]
© Eric Lloyd Wright
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