View of the Yonghe Gong [Lamasery of Harmony and Peace] (also known as the Lama Temple) showing Wanfu Ge [Ten Thousand Blessings Hall] and other buildings, Peking (now Beijing), China
13 October 1860 or later
- This photograph was taken from the top of the northern wall of Peking (now Beijing), near the Anting Gate (now Anding Men), looking into the northeastern section of the Inner City.
- The title of a published identical image, "View of Confucian temple from An-ting Gate, Peking, October 1860" is inaccurate, as the Confucius Temple [also known as the Kongzimiao] is situated to the right of the buildings depicted in this view (Naquin, p. 444, map 12.1).
Albumen silver print
comp.: 24.3 x 30.1 cm secondary support: 36.7 x 52.0 cm
inscribed - by an unknown hand, in graphite, on the secondary support, l.c.: "Residence of [Ambassador's Hd Quarters ] / outside Peking" numbered - by an unknown hand, in graphite, on the secondary support, l.c.: "16"
Beijing; China;
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