View of the Anting Gate (now Anding Men), Peking (now Beijing), China
between 13 October and 24 October 1860
- On 11 October 1860, during the Second Opium War (1858-1860), the British and French forces positioned heavy siege guns along the southern wall of the Altar to Earth [Ditan] (also known as the Temple of Earth) facing the Anting Gate (now Anding Men) and northern wall of the Inner City of Peking (now Beijing), which they threatened to bombard unless the Chinese surrendered the Anting Gate (now Anding Men) within forty-eight hours. The gate was surrendered at noon on 13 October 1860 (Harris, p. 143, p. 145).
- At c.l. on the secondary support is a freehand plan drawing of the Anting Gate (now Anding Men), depicting its walls, two watchtowers and two gateways, and illustrating the traffic flow through the enclosed bastion [wengcheng] (Qi and Qi, p. 4).
Albumen silver print
comp.: 22.9 x 30.0 cm secondary support: 36.7 x 52.0 cm
- There is a freehand drawing by an unknown hand at c.l. on the secondary support.
inscribed - by an unknown hand, in graphite, on the secondary support, l.c.: with title numbered - by an unknown hand, in graphite, on the secondary support, l.c.: "25"
Beijing; China;
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