View of the top of the wall of the Inner City, showing cannons, with the Yonghe Gong [Lamasery of Harmony and Peace] (also known as the Lama Temple) in the background, Peking (now Beijing), China
between 13 October and 24 October 1860
- This photograph was taken near the Anting Gate (now Anding Men), looking east along the top of the northern wall of the Inner City of Peking (now Beijing).
- As Harris points out, this view shows the guns aimed toward rather than outward from the city, as is suggested by the title of a published identical image, "Top of the Wall of Pekin Taken Possession of on October 1860, Showing the Chinese Guns Directed against Our Batteries" (Harris, p. 145).
Albumen silver print
comp.: 21.3 x 29.7 cm secondary support: 36.7 x 52.0 cm
inscribed - by an unknown hand, in graphite, on the tertiary support, l.c.: with title numbered - by an unknown hand, in graphite, on the tertiary support, l.c.: "27"
Beijing; China;
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