View of the south façade of the Engineering Building with the Administration Building on the left, Ford Motor Company Willow Run Bomber Assembly Plant, Willow Run, Michigan
View of the south façade of the Engineering Building with the Administration Building on the left, Ford Motor Company Willow Run Bomber Assembly Plant, Willow Run, Michigan
Personnes et institutions:
  • Hedrich-Blessing (Firm) (photographic studio)
  • Albert Kahn Associated, Inc. Architects and Engineers (role unspecified)
  • Ford Motor Company (role unspecified)

View of the south façade of the Engineering Building with the Administration Building on the left, Ford Motor Company Willow Run Bomber Assembly Plant, Willow Run, Michigan


June 1942

Quantité / Type d’objet:
1 photograph(s)
Technique et médium:

Gelatin silver print


comp.: 18.2 x 22.9 cm sheet: 20.7 x 25.4 cm

Numéro de référence:


Point de vue:
  • exterior view

stamped and imprinted - in black ink, on the sheet, verso, l.c.: "IF THIS PHOTOGRAPH / IS USED FOR REPRODUCTION, / CREDIT MUST BE GIVEN / DESIGNED BY / Albert Kahn Associated Architects & Engineers, Inc." stamped and imprinted - in black ink, on the sheet, verso, c.l.: "If this Photograph is used / for reproduction, kindly use the / following credit line: / HEDRICH-BLESSING STUDIO" stamped, imprinted, inscribed and numbered - in black ink and by an unknown hand in graphite, on the sheet, verso, l.l.: "HEDRICH-BLESSING STUDIO / 737 N. MICHIGAN AVE. / CHICAGO / NEG. No. 7074-K." [inscribed negative number appears over stamped underline] labelled, imprinted, dated, inscribed and numbered - printed and in typescript and black ink, on a paper label attached to the sheet, verso, c. to c.r.: "NAME OF OWNER / [FORD MOTOR COMPANY] / LOCATION [Willow Run, nr. Ypsilanti] / DESCRIPTION / [Bomber Plant - Administration, Garage / & Engineering] / DATE TAKEN [June 1942] JOB No. [1888-A & 1888] / PHOTOGRAPHER / [Hedrich 7074-K]" [text in square parentheses indicates typescript within printed form of label]; and by an unknown hand, in graphite: "18" labelled and numbered - by an unknown hand, in red felt pen, on a paper label attached to the sheet, verso, u.l.: "AK 18"


Willow Run; Michigan; United States;

  • architecture
  • ingénierie
  • militaire
Termes descriptifs:
  • entrances
  • windows
  • industrial complex
  • industrial buildings
  • administration building
  • office building
  • driveway
  • skywalk
  • floodlights
  • aeronautical engineering building
  • bomber assembly plant
  • factory (structure)
Mention de crédit:
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Don de Federico Bucci/
Gift of Federico Bucci

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