Plans, sections, and construction details for the greenhouse for the reconstruction of the Chapelle du Sacré-Coeur, Notre-Dame de Montréal
April 1980
Pen and black ink and black pencil with blue pencil applied to the verso of the drawing
sheet: 86.4 x 125.8 cm
- Part of the inscription has been prepared on plastic film and applied to the verso of the drawing. A line border frames the drawing.
inscribed - by an unknown hand, in black pencil, throughout: with measurements and specifications stamped, numbered and signed - in black ink, l.r.: "INGÉNIEUR - ENGINEER / LUC DUMAIS / 17685 / QUÉBEC [whithin a circle with fleur-de-lis symbol]"; and in graphite: with signature labelled, numbered, dated, inscribed and imprinted - by an unknown hand, in black pencil, on plastic film label attached to the verso, l.r.: "2 [within triangle] 5/09/80 revision coupe a-b & d"; "1 9/07/80 pour soumission"; "0 4/07/80 pour construction"; and in black ink: "no date revisions" labelled and imprinted - in black ink, on plastic film label attached to the verso, l.r.:"Gascon / Vigneault / Dumais & / Associés"; and "506 EST / RUE STE-CATHERINE / MONTRÉAL, QUÉBEC / H2L 2C7 TEL. 842-2746 / Ingénieurs conseils" labelled and imprinted - in black ink, on plastic film label attached to the verso, l.r.: "client / projet / dessin"; "OEUVRE & FABRIQUE / NOTRE-DAME DE MONTREAL"; and with title labelled, imprinted, dated and numbered - in black ink, on plastic film label attached to the verso, l.r.: "dessine par: / date / verifie par: / projet / dessin no"; and "D.R."; "AVRIL 80"; "L.D"; "79-100"; and "C- 10"
Montréal Île de Montréal Québec Canada
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