List of plans and an explanatory note for electrical drawings for the reconstruction of the Chapelle du Sacré-Coeur, Notre-Dame de Montréal
4 March 1980
Pen and black and blue ink
sheet: 87.4 x 126.2 cm
- There is a stripe of dark reddish orange paper with two circular openings glued from u.r. to l.r. of the drawing. Part of inscriptions and engineer's stamp are prepared on plastic film and applied to the verso of the drawing.
imprinted, labelled and inscribed - in black ink, u.l. to l.l.: with list of plans and specifications; in typescript, on plastic film labels attached to the verso, t. to l.r.: with specifications; and by an unknown hand, in pen and black ink, l.c. to b.: with specifications inscribed and numbered - by an unknown hand, in graphite, c.r.: "X / [illeg.] / 4" labelled, imprinted, inscribed and dated - in black ink, on plastic film label attached to the verso, c.r.: "no revisions par date" and by an unknown hand, in pen and black ink: "pour soumissions M.T. 80/03/18"; and "pour approbation M.T. 80/03/04" labelled, imprinted and inscribed - in black ink, on plastic film label attached to the verso, c.r.: "architectes"; and by an unknown hand, in pen and black ink: "JODOIN LAMARRE / PRATTE & ASSOCIÉS" labelled and imprinted - in black ink, on plastic film label attached to the verso, c.r.: "BOUTHILLETTE / PARIZEAU / ET ASSOCIÉS / INGÉNIEURS-CONSEILS / MÉCANIQUE-ÉLECTRICITÉ / 9825 RUE VERVILLE / MONTRÉAL (QUÉBEC) H3L 3E1 / TÉLEPHONE: 514 387-3747" labelled, imprinted and inscribed - in black ink, on plastic film label attached to the verso, c.r.: "conception / dessin / vérification / approbation"; and by an unknown hand, in pen and black ink: "C.L. - M.T. / J.C. / A.D. / D.E." labelled, imprinted, numbered and signed - in black ink, on plastic film label attached to plastic film label attached to the verso, c.r.: "INGÉNIEUR - ENGINEER / André Doré / 15911 / QUÉBEC [whithin a circle with fleur-de-lis symbol]" and "sceau"; and in pen and black ink: with signature labelled, imprinted, inscribed and numbered - in black ink, on plastic film label attached to the verso, c.r.: "projet / titre du dessin / date / contrat no / dessin no"; and by an unknown hand, in pen and black ink: "CHAPELLE / DU / SACRÉ-COEUR"; with title; "79-01"; "E-1"; and "7"
Montréal Île de Montréal Québec Canada
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