Sketch plan of the 1928-1929 design for an office building on the Friedrichstrasse, Berlin
- Group DR1994:0011:001 R/V - DR1994:0011:030 includes three sketches (DR1994:0011:001 R/V - DR1994:0011:002 R/V and DR1994:0011:030), 24 pages of notes (DR1994:0011:003 - DR1994:0011:026), two sketchbooks (DR1994:0011:027:001-035 and DR1994:0011:028:001-008 R/V), and the envelope in which these materials were housed at acquisition (DR1994:0011:029). The sketches are for various subjects including I-beams (DR1994:0011:001 R/V), a column-to-beam connection and an unidentified building (DR1994:0011:002 R/V), and a sketch plan of Mies' 1928-1929 design for the Friedrichstrasse office building in Berlin (DR1994:0011:030). Notes DR1994:0011:003 - DR1994:0011:024 are written in German and are generally illegible. Many changes have been made to the notes, and some sheets appear to have been reordered or struck out. Some of the notes may be about urban planning. The number in the upper left corner of sheets DR1994:0011:010, DR1994:0011:012-016 and DR1994:0011:020-021 may indicate the order of the topics dealt with in the notes. Notes DR1994:0011:025 are illegible. Notes DR1994:0011:026 are written in English, and may be notes of a lecture. The notes in sketchbook DR1994:0011:027:001-035 are written in German, are generally illegible, and are usually written in point form or sometimes as lists. Chicago is mentioned on several of the sheets. There is a shift in the clarity of the handwriting halfway through the sketchbook and some of the notes in the latter half may relate to Mies' readings of philosophy. Some of the notes in sketchbook DR1994:0028:001-008 R/V are written in German and some in English. The first and second pages of the sketchbook describe measurements for addresses on the campus of IIT, as well as for the Power Plant. The last three pages of the sketchbook discuss the architectural education programm at IIT and an exhibition of student work.
Pink pencil
sheet: 21.6 x 27.8 cm
uninscribed - object uninscribed
© Estate of Ludwig Mies van der Rohe
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