Monadnock Building, Chicago: Partial fifth floor plan
before 19 March 1892
- This drawing is for the revised floor plan and furnishings for a fifth floor office on the east side of the Monadnock Building. The signature at the lower left apparently indicates the future tenant's approval of the plan.
Pen and blue ? ink
sheet: 35.5 x 36.3 cm
- Sheet is dirty and creased throughout. The ink colour was possibly altered when the image was reproduced.
inscribed - by the draughtsman, on the print, in pen and blue ? ink, b.: with title; and c.: with dimensions dated and inscribed - by unknown hands, in graphite, c.l.: "3/19/92 / I did not have this / printed because Bradley / told me not to / Austin; and l.l. [illeg.] / 489 Palmer House / Please O.K. and send to Burnham & Root / 1142 Rookery / OK / ASN" signed and inscribed - by the client/tenant, in graphite or pen and ink: "OK / H.C. Au.. [?]" [signature apparently indicates approval of drawing]
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