Monadnock Building, Chicago: Foundation plan with plan for the bottom course of beams in the crosswalls
after 1889
Pen and red and black ink with red ink ? and blue and green wash
sheet (irreg.; approx.): 83 x 124 cm
- This drawing is in very poor condition with extensive creasing, dirt, losses and stains throughout. There are large tears l.c. and l.l., which have been partially repaired with tracing cloth on the verso.
inscribed and numbered - by the draughtsman, in pen and black ink, l.r.: with title, architectural firm's name and "F. [within circles; drawing number] / REVISED"; l.c. with key to building materials; l.c. and t.: with notes concerning the construction; t. with drawing title; and throughout: with dimensions, building components, pier letters and column numbers
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