Sections for Union Reform Temple, Freeport, Long Island, New York
21 August 1958
blueprint shows details for the exterior wall envelope for the school wing for the Union Reform Temple synagogue of Freeport, Long Island, New York. It has not been determined if this project was realized, however, the design was apparently well advanced in August 1958, the date of this blueprint.
sheet: 74.0 x 105.5 cm
inscribed, dated and signed - by the draughtsman, on the original, l.r.: with title and "21 AUG 58 PDE [draughtsman's initials] 157 / SCHOOL WING / DETAILS 1-25 A-4" [within stamp] stamped - by an unknown hand, on the original, l.r.: "PERCIVAL GOODMAN F.A.I.A., ARCHITECT / 40 EAST 49 STREET NEW YORK 17, N.Y."; and throughout: with space for dates, scale, file and sheet numbers
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