Sketches for conchoidal chairs without arms and sketch elevations for a Court House, possibly after Mountain House
ca. 1947
- These sketch elevations for a Court House and the sketches for conchoidal chairs are apparently unrelated. The court house sketches are for an unidentified project. One of the elevations which shows a wall built along the grade of the hill, is reminiscent of Mountain House which was designed by Mies in 1934 while he was still in Germany. Mountain House also deals with the problem of relating the building to a hillside (see drawings D1994:0006:001-009).
Pen and black ink
secondary support: 35.2 x 65.7 cm sheet: 18.8 x 51.0 cm
- The left side of the board is yellowed and the left edge is scratched and incised with fine red lines. Drawing is glued to a mat.
uninscribed - object uninscribed
© Estate of Ludwig Mies van der Rohe
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