Perspective for a guest villa showing the terrace, Village Polychrome, near Biot, France
- Two groups of four pastel drawings were originally produced in connection with the Village Polychrome project. The architect André Bruyère had retained one group, while the other was given to the patron and client, Francisco de Assis Chateaubriand Bandeira de Melo, who then donated it to the Sao Paolo Museum of Modern Art. Bruyère subsequently gave one of the four drawings in his group to a friend. The three remaining drawings from Bruyère's group are in the CCA Prints and Drawings collection (DR1996:0001 - DR1996:0003) ("Projet de Village Polychrome, Biot, France").
- The sliding wall, shown on the left, can be used to partially enclose the terrace ("Village d'artistes sur la Côte d'Azur", p. 83).
secondary support: 49.0 x 64.0 cm sheet: 36.0 x 54.7 cm
- The sheet is affixed to the secondary support by a type of cotter pin in each corner. There is white tape on the l.r. corner.
inscribed - by an unknown hand, in graphite, on the sheet, u.c.: "REDUIRE [sic] / A [sic] 80 mm" [circled] with publishers' cropping marks inscribed - by an unknown hands, in graphite, on the secondary support, u.l.: "Tirage sur papier"; u.r.: "145"; and verso, u.l.: "4467/ / 11 ve" [sic]
© Estate of André Bruyère
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