published 1866
- This published portfolio contains sixty-six prints of medieval Pisan architecture, sculpture, and painting. The architecture plates are divided into three sections for the Lombard, Roman and Gothic periods.
Prints include etchings and photomechanical prints on wove paper
album: 46,9 x 34,8 x 2,8 cm sheets (range): 30,9 to 45,8 x 30,2 to 45,5 cm
- This cardboard portfolio is covered with green paper and reinforced with green leather along the spine. The covers can be fastened on three sides with cloth ties. The sixty-eight sheets include a title page, a list of illustrations, and sixty-six sheets of plates. The prints are probably etchings, although they may be photomechanical prints with imitation plate marks. Several of the sheets have been trimmed within the plate mark.
imprinted and dated - in letterpress printing, on the front cover, c.: with title imprinted and dated - in letterpress printing, on folio 1, c.: "A MONSIEUR THIERS / MONSIEUR, [... with text of dedication] / GEORGES ROHAULT DE FLEURY. / Pise, 2 février 1866." inscribed - on most of the prints, by an unknown hand, in the plate above the image, u.r.: with plate number; in various locations: with titles and attributions; and l.l. and/or l.r.: with the name of the etcher and sometimes the draughtsman
Pisa; Italy;
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