Album of drawings and documents for a hôtel and for housing for M. Busche, and for an apartment house for M. Boulnois, France
Album of drawings and documents for a hôtel and for housing for M. Busche, and for an apartment house for M. Boulnois, France
Personnes et institutions:
  • Hubert Rohault de Fleury (draughtsman)
  • Hubert Rohault de Fleury (architect)
  • Louis-Jacques-François Boulnois (client)
  • M. Busche (client)

Album of drawings and documents for a hôtel and for housing for M. Busche, and for an apartment house for M. Boulnois, France




- This album contains preliminary and design development drawings - plans, sections and elevations - as well as rough cost estimates and specifications for several domestic commissions. The principal projects are both for M. Busche: an hôtel, possibly a double residence or apartment house (DR1974:0002:033:001 - DR1974:0002:033:017), and a housing project with apartment houses, row houses, and a porter's residence (DR1974:0002:033:018 - DR1974:0002:033:026). There are three alternative designs for the hôtel: two four-storey buildings, one with a courtyard and the other with a garden, and a five-storey building with a courtyard. Drawings for an apartment house for Louis-Jacques-François Boulnois include three elevations, a partial sketch plan and two plans (DR1974:0002:033:028 - DR1974:0002:022:032). These drawings are apparently for several projects, several buildings for a single project, or variant schemes for one project. All of the designs are rendered in an austere classical manner with minimal ornament.

documents textuels
Quantité / Type d’objet:
1 album(s)
Étape et objectif:
  • design development drawings
  • dessins préliminaires
Technique et médium:

Manuscripts include pen and brown ink and graphite on laid or wove paper, locally mounted on laid paper


album: 46,7 x 29,7 x 0,7 cm sheet (smallest): 14,4 x 19,5 cm sheet (largest): 44,1 x 13,3 cm secondary support (smallest): 35,2 x 23,7 cm secondary support (largest): 43,3 x 58,5 cm folios (approx.): 46,5 x 29,4 cm

Numéro de référence:


Type de dessins:
  • line drawings
  • freehand drawings
  • sketches
  • tracings
Type de document:
  • notes
  • specifications
  • financial records
Méthode de projection:
  • scale drawings
  • plans (drawings)
  • site plan
  • sections (orthographic drawings)
  • elevations (drawings)
  • écorché
Point de vue:
  • general views
  • partial views
Caractéristiques matérielles et contraintes techniques:

- This album is bound with string and a sheet of roughly cut grey cardboard. Most of the drawings are locally mounted on the album pages of blue wove paper or inserted on guards. Most of the documents and one of the drawings are mounted on the verso of drawings on guards. Three of the drawings have flaps. Many of the album pages are unused.


dated and inscribed - on the cover, by an unknown hand, in pen and brown ink, u.c.: with album title and dates; and in graphite, c.r.: "decrit le 21 mars 1863" dated and inscribed - on DR1974:0002:033:001, DR1974:0002:033:006 and DR1974:0002:033:028 - DR1974:0002:033:032, by an unknown hand, in graphite, usually u.r.: with the clients' names and with dates inscribed - on DR1974:0002:033:007 and DR1974:0002:033:012, by the draughtsman, in graphite, throughout: with titles indicating the functions of the rooms inscribed - on most of the drawings, by the draughtsman, in graphite, throughout: with dimensions and/or calculations dated and inscribed - on DR1974:0002:033:027, by an unknown hand, in graphite, l.r.: "en trait 25 mars 1863" inscribed - on DR1974:0002:033:018, by the draughtsman, in graphite, l.r.: with types of buildings

  • architecture
  • urbanisme
Mention de crédit:
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal

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