Perspective for Cross Wall House
ca. 1946
Pen and black ink
sheet: 51.1 x 76.5 cm
- Pinholes at corners. The drawing was originally covered with cellophane on the recto and along the edges of the verso. Brown paper was adhered with masking tape to the cellophane on the verso. Both were removed for conservation reasons; the brown paper is stored with the drawing. Slides of the recto and verso of the object were taken prior to the removal of the cellophane covering and are held in the Conservation Department's files.
numbered and inscribed - by unknown hands, in graphite, verso, u.c.: "99"; and "280 % breit"; and in blue ballpoint pen, l.r.: "6" stamped - in red ink, verso, l.r.: "ZOLL / I-68" [within circle; sideways]
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