Cité Collégiale Competition, Ottawa, Ontario (1991)
Inclus dans:
Personnes et institutions:
  • Kuwabara Payne Mckenna Blumberg Architects (archive creator)

Cité Collégiale Competition, Ottawa, Ontario (1991)



Niveau de description archivistique:
  • 137 drawings (including 8 reprographic copies)
    3 paintings
    1 model
Présentation du contenu:
This project series documents the design of Cité Collégiale in Ottawa, Ontario from in 1991. The project number assigned by the office is unidentifiable.
This project consisted of a competition entry for the first French language community college to be built in Ontario. The design proposed focused on the balance between the natural landscape of the site, located on Montreal Road at Aviation Parkway, the rigor of the study program and the relaxation of student life. Large wooded areas surrounding the campus would be preserved and four functional outdoor spaces would be created: La Place des Festivals (an esplanade), the theatre (for outdoor festivities), Le Carrefour des Étudiants (the student square), and le Foyer (next to the cafeteria). The campus also proposed la Grande Galerie, a triple-height space filled with natural light to serve as the main area where students could meet and study. Two types of school buildings were included in the proposal, consisting of a long, rectangular building for classrooms and offices, and the other, a less formal, open space with classrooms, amphitheatres, studios and laboratories. The scheme had two main entrances, with a large central tower that was visible when arriving from either direction. This was not the winning entry for the competition and the campus was eventually built by Brook, Brisbin and Baynon.
The project is recorded through drawings, presentation paintings and a model dating from 1991. The drawings include site condition maps, sketches, perspectives, plans, elevations, axonometric drawings and presentation panels.
Numéro de référence:


Mode de classement:
Materials in this project series have been arranged following the classification scheme of the office, and some have been arranged by material type.

Ottawa Ontario Canada

Langue et écriture des documents:
  • English
  • French

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