Sectional elevation for the south façade for Karl Johansskolan, Göteborg, Sweden
between 5 October 1921 and 4 November 1922
Pen and black ink with traces of graphite
sheet: 32.9 x 91.2 cm
- Pinholes in each corner. A pen and black ink boarder frames the drawing.
numbered, inscribed and dated - by the draughtsman, in pen and black ink, on the sheet, l.r.: with number and "ÄNDRINGSRITNING / STOCKHOLM 5 OKT - 21 / 1 JULI - 22" ["O" from "NO" is in superscript and underlined] stamped - by an unknown hand, blind embossed, on the sheet, u.l. and l.r.: "Arkitekturmuseet" [u.l. stamp is upside down] inscribed - by the draughtsman, in pen and black ink, on the sheet, throughout: with dimensions and specifications inscribed - by the architect ? in graphite, on the sheet, l.c.: with a measurement and alterations numbered - by an unknown hand, in graphite, on the sheet, verso, l.r.: "EGA Mapp 63" numbered - by the dealer, in graphite, on the sheet, verso, l.r.: "GA88.111" [gallery inventory number for DR1999:0016] signed and dated - by the architect, in pen and black ink, on the sheet, l.r.: "den 4/11 22." and with signature inscribed and numbered - by the draughtsman, in pen and black ink, on the sheet, u.r.: with title and "MAJORNAS 3DIE ROTE / 9DE KVART. / NO 22" ["DIE" from "3DIE", "DE" from "9DE" and the "O" from "NO" are in superscript as well as "S" from "JOHANS" and "TE" from "6TE" in the title]
Göteborg Suède
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