1968-1978, 1981
Address of Rust Welch in The Hague, on a card
Membership Campaign - The Drawing Center, submitted to The New York Community Trust; Nov. 1, 1978.
Report from the Rockefeller Foundation Training Fellows in Museum Education at the Metropolitan Museum of Art 1974-75. (article on Paul J. Sachs)
Description of the exhibition "Musical Manuscripts" by A. Ciniglio
Ada V. Ciniglio, "Pioneers in American Museums: Paul J. Sachs", Museum News, September/October 1976, pp 48-51 & 68-71.
Curriculum Vitae of Vladimir Paperny
Letter from John Burgee to Gerald D. Hines Interest (about conference at the Institute); April 23, 1981.
Letter to Peter Eisenman from S.L. Solomon, Harvard University, April 14, 1981. Xerox from the Postmaster about new Zip code of the IAUS
Hand notes of Peter Eisenman on yellow paper (Spanish cultural affairs)
Memo to Peter Wolf from Peter Eisenman: 1 September 1972 (confirmation of Wolf's nomitation as Chairman of the Board of Fellows).
IAUS Alumni news report : 1 page
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