C. IAUS - Administrative 5. Development. 1980-1982
Correspondence with different foundations (CBS, NEH, NY Community Trust, Graham, etc.)
Folder Operating and Development [1981]; - Minutes of the Operating Committee and relating correspondence with different foundations - Exhibitions budgets, March 16, 1981 - Several letters to PDE from foundations (grants received & refused) - Procedures to keep track of donators and destination of received grants - NEH - Audit report, June 4, 1980 - Open Plan Fall 1980, Lecturers
Various documents from the Executive Committee
Development Committee Report to Executive Committee, April 15, 1981
Folder [Development Committee] - Recommendations for a Development Program for the Institute, Aug. 31, 1981 - Report to the Board of Trustees, 22 Jan. 1981 - Report of the Development Committee to Charles Gwathmey - Correspondence with foundations (grants received and refused) - Status report, Jan. 13, 1981 - Grant Application to FIPSE for Advanced Design Study Program - Correspondence with various foundations - Memo to PDE from C. Gwathmey concerning Plan for Development 1980-1981 - Deadlines for Federal Grants - Folder Development Workbook, November 1980 - Correspondence of Letty H. Simon, Director of Development - Development Priorities - Proposed Budget for FY 81 - List of catalogue purchasers, May 12, 1980 - NEA : Request for Proposals for a Television Series on Architecture, January 1980
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