Landscape with birds flying - near Fort Worth, Texas 1978
Gelatin silver print
comp.: 36.4 x 44.9 cm mat: 60.9 x 50.8 cm sheet: 50.8 x 40.6 cm
inscribed;signed - Landscape with birds flying - near Ft. Worth, Texas 1978 (inphotographer's hand, on print, verso, LL, LC); 1980 (in pencil, inphotographer's hand, on print, verso, LR); 1178-19/400.2 (in pencil, inunknown hand, on print, verso, LR); [Star drawn]/7/LIGHT (in pencil, inunknown hand, on print, verso, LL); (L # 143.404.2) (in pencil, in unknownhand, on print, LC) signed - Frank W. Gohlke (in pencil, on print, verso, LR)
Fort Worth; Texas; United States;
© Frank Gohlke
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