View of the living area of a Single-Story House, part of the Dwelling of Our Time Exhibit at the Berlin Building Exhibition of 1931, Germany
negatives exposed between 1938 and 1969
Gelatin silver print
stamped - by an unknown hand, in black ink, verso, u.r.: "MIES VAN DER ROHE / ARCHITECT A.I.A. / 37 S. WABASH AVE. / CHICAGO 3, ILL." [upside down] stamped - by an unknown hand, in black ink, verso, l.l.: "Reprinted by / HEDRICH-BLESSING / Do Not Credit / Negative Number 9691-S" [with negative number in graphite] labelled, imprinted and dated - on a label in black typeface, verso, l.c.: "BUILDING EXPOSITION / BERLIN - GERMANY / HOUSE / Living- & Diningroom / 1931"
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