Elevation and section for a staircase, Castello di Rivoli, Turin; verso: Partial plan for Castello di Rivoli, Turin
between 1714 and 1721
- This sheet of three drawings for Castello di Rivoli, Turin, includes a partial section through a split level staircase, showing the articulation of the wall behind the staircase; a section through part of the building, which includes what appears to be the exterior articulation; and a plan for a room on the verso.
Pen and black ink over graphite; verso: pen and black ink and brush and grey wash over graphite
sheet: 26.8 x 45.0 cm
DR1978:0008:009 R/V
- Sheet consists of two sheets joined together. Sheet is trimmed irregularly and has a guard strip joined to the t. edge. Drawing on verso is pricked for transfer.
inscribed - by the draughtsman ? in pen and brown ink, c.l.: with measurements; and in graphite, c., l.c., and verso, c.r.: with measurements signed - by an unknown hand, in graphite ? c.l.: "An" [possibly initials] numbered - by an unknown hand, in graphite ? l.l.: "3735" inscribed - by an unknown hand, in pen and brown ink, l.r.: "Co"
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