Excavations at the Temple at Olympia, Greece
Albumen silver print
album: 49.2 x 38.2 x 2.8 cm
- Contemporary burgundy cloth binding.
imprinted - in gold typeface, on the front cover, c.: "AUSGRABUNGEN / ZU / OLYMPIA / I / 1875-1876" [Excavation at Olympia, 1875-1876] inscribed, numbered and dated - by an unknown hand, in graphite, inside the front cover, u.l.: "Abl. AU II 90-94"; and in pen and black ink, on the first page, u.r.: "[illeg.] / [illeg.] / [illeg.] 8te August 1876 [illeg.] / Berlin 10 Oktober '76 [illeg.]" imprinted and dated - in black typeface, on the title page, u.c. to l.c.: "[with title] / XXXIII BLATT. / HERAUSGEGEBEN / VON / E. CURTIS, F. ADLER UND G. HIRSCHFELD. / BERLIN / VERLAG VON ERNST WASMUTH. / ARCHITECTUR - BUCHHANDLUNG. / 1876" signed - by the photographer ? scratched in most of the negatives, in various locations.: with the signature of the photographer(s) in Greek imprinted - in brown typeface, on most of the secondary supports, u.c : with numbers; and l.l.: "VERLAG v. ERNST WASMUTH, BERLIN."; and l.c.: with titles; and l.r.: "PHOT v. GEBR. ROMAIDIS, PATRAS."
Olympia; Greece;
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