Le Palais des Tuileries and the Louvre, views of sculptural details cast for the buildings, Paris, France
First edition of an album containing 96 photographs of sculptural and ornamental details (mostly fragments) of the models made in stone, wood, bronze, iron cast and carton-pierre by sculptor Emile Knecht for the Palais des Tuileries and the Louvre, Paris, under the direction of Mr. H. Lefuel, architect of the Emperor. The photographs show details of ornamentation for the Palais des Tuileries: for the staircase of Sa Majesté l'Impératrice; the door to her apartments; the ceiling of the vestibule; the apartments of Sa Majesté le Prince Impérial; the Salle des Gardes; the Salon de famille and the dining room of the Minister of State; the Pavillon de la Bibliothèque of the Louvre; the door to the Pavillon Richelieu of the Louvre; the chimney for the Bibliothèque; the Daru, Denon, Nollieu and Lesdiguière Pavilions of the Louvre; the Ancienne Chapelle of the Louvre; the door of the Museum; the old Louvre and the Hôtel de Monsieur Fould. Two lithographs from "Les artistes industriels" show a table and a gun; other photographs show a barometer and thermometer on a sculpted panel, a sculpted Madonna and Child in a niche, a sculpted table and a small armoire by Tahan photographed by Franck.
Albumen silver prints
album: 31.4 x 46.7 x 6.3 cm comps. (smallest): 4.3 x 13 cm comps. (largest): 38 x 27.8 cm secondary supports: 43.6 x 30.5 cm
- Album PH1986:0777:001-096 includes photographs PH1986:0777:095 - PH1986:0777:096, but these photographs have been placed in CCA mounts because they were loose in the album. Photograph PH1986:0777:094, and its accompanying secondary support, are unbound but remain loose in the album. Contemporary binding consists of 3/4 green cloth-covered boards and 1/4 green leather-covered corners and spine, with gilt trim. Endpapers are marbled.
inscribed - Photographies d'après les / Modèles Composés et éxécutés / en Pierre, Bois, Bronze, fonte de fer et Carton-Pierre / pour le Palais des Tuileries et du Louvre / de 1853 à 1860 / par Emile Knecht sculpteur / Sous les ordres de Monsieur Lefuel Architecte de l'Empereur (in ink, in unknown, possibly sculptor's hand, on title page, recto, c.). Photographies de Baldus (in pencil, in unknown modern? hand, on title page, recto, u.r.)
Paris France
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