Drafts of articles
Scott, Critic @ Large - drafts of article by Felicity Scott
Kwinter FFE - drafts of article by Sanford Kwinter
Vinken - drafts of article by Gerhrad Vinken
Malmo - drafts of article by Jane B. Malmo
Eisenman - drafts of text by Peter Eisenman
Puglia - drafts of article by Salvatore Puglia
Barck - drafts of article by SImone Barck
Haverkamp - drafts of article by Anselm Haverkamp
Jean-Philippe Antoine - drafts
Baldwin - drafts of article by Sandy Baldwin
Komar & Melamid - drafts of article by Vitaly Komar and Alexander melamid (reprint)
Mike Kelley, Educational - drafts
Silva - Letter from Bogota - drafts of article by Armando Silva
Carol Jacobs - drafts
Haverkamp on Jacobs - drafts of article by Anselm Haverkamp
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