Swedenborg Memorial Chapel, El Cerrito, California: Site plan showing areas to be purchased from adjoining lot
after 9 August 1955
- The draughtsman has made alterations to the location of the church in graphite, and used coloured pencils to indicate land use and land to be acquired.
Graphite and green, red, and aquamarine pencil on diazotype
sheet: 50.4 x 61.4 cm
inscribed, dated and numbered - by the draughtsman, on the original, b.: with title and "LLOYD WRIGHT ARCHITECT - LOS ANGELES CALIFORNIA AUG. 9. 195[?]"; u.r.: with compass points and legend keyed to letters; in various locations: with subdivision numbers, lot information, and identification of features; in graphite, c.l.: with an explanation of the colour coding; and in various locations: with lot numbers, notes and a calculation stamped and numbered - l.r.: "#199" [cancelled with red pencil] numbered - by an unknown hand, in red pencil, l.r.: "244" [job number; below cancelled stamp] numbered - by an unknown hand, in blue pencil, verso, l.l.: "6" [circled]
© Eric Lloyd Wright
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