Wayfarers' Chapel, Palos Verdes, California: Grading section through centre line of access road
revised August 1956
sheet: 40.7 x 80.4 cm
- Corners of sheet have pressure-sensitive tape indicating that the sheet was attached to a larger drawing.
inscribed, dated and numbered - by the draughtsman, in graphite, l.l.: "EXISTING GRADE [underlined; followed by a broken line] / FINISHED GRADE [underlined; followed by solid line]; b.: with title; l.r.: GRADING SECTION / REVISED AUG. 1956 (SHT-32A-)"; from l.l. to u.l. and from l.l. to l.r.: with numbers indicating elevations on the x and y axis of the graph; and in various locations: with elevations of specific points on the section numbered - by the architect's son ? in graphite, l.r.: "#243" [job number]
© Eric Lloyd Wright
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