Panorama of Hiroshima with futuristic buildings
- This print, which is probably a photolithograph of a photomontage, combines a panorama of the devastated remains of Hiroshima with images of futuristic, visionary architecture designed by Japanese architects in the early 1960s. The print was designed for the Electric Labyrinth, an installation made for the fourteenth Milan Triennale in 1968. The Electric Labyrinth was comprised of curved, revolving plexiglass panels and a large projection screen. Images of Hiroshima and the visionary architecture designed by Isozaki and his contemporaries were displayed on both the panels and the screen (Koshalek 1991, 278).
Photolithograph with additions in grey and black wash
sheet: 21.3 x 59.0 cm
- There are traces of transparent tape at the u.r. and u.l. and fragments of white paper fixed to corners at verso.
signed and dated - on the photolithograph, by the artist, in graphte, l.r.: "Arata Isozaki '68"
© Arata Isozaki
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