Wayfarers' Chapel, Palos Verdes, California: Plan and profile for sewage pipe passing through site
printed after 8 November 1955
sheet: 61.0 x 91.8 cm
- Sheet has pre-printed border, information blocks, and graph lines.
imprinted - l.r.: with blocks for drawing and approval information imprinted - by a transfer process, l.r.: "SOUTH SLOPE PALOS VERDES TRUNK / (SECTION 2) [...]" inscribed and dated - by the draughtsman, on the original, l.r.: "Nov. 8, [195]5" [three times] and "FRED N. SMITH NOV. 1955 [surveyor] / WHITECOTTON-HARVILL [draughtsman]" [sideways]; and in various locations: with profile data, topographic features, survey information and notes for the contractor stamped and numbered - l.r.: "243" [job number]
© Eric Lloyd Wright
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