Perspective sketch for a yellow tiled stove
circa 1920-1921
- Design for a tall, rectangular tiled stove, decorated with two green horizontal bands against a dark yellow background. The two red rectangles, near the top and bottom, probably represent the stove doors.
- The subject of this drawing is identified as a tiled stove by comparison with similar drawings in the group DR1988:0155 - DR1988:0209. Several of these drawings have identifying inscriptions, such as "Ofen" (stove) and "Kachelofen" (tiled stove), which are probably by the draughtsman. Henze illustrates examples of "Kachelofen" which are similar to this one in size and proportion (fig. 105, p. 98 and fig. 114, p. 103).
Gouache over graphite
sheet: 20.9 x 16.3 cm
- The l.l. corner is folded. The application of the gouache buckled the paper.
signed - by the draughtsman, in graphite, l.l.: "G"
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