Old Farmer's House and Widow's House
- This drawing is one of a group of 45 drawings and 4 collages, DR1988:0291:001 - DR1988:0291:049, for John Hejduk's 'Lancaster/Hanover Masque'. These include nine large, final drawings, DR1988:0291:041 - DR1988:0291:049, in which all of the structures that constitute the masque are represented, and forty smaller sketches and collages, DR1988:0291:001 - DR1988:0291:040, mostly for individual structures. All of the drawings and collages are published and illustrated, along with Hejduk's descriptions of the structures, in 'The Lancaster/Hanover Masque' (London: Architectural Association and Montréal: CCA, 1992).
Black and red felt-tip pens on envelope
sheet: 22.9 x 30.8 cm (9 x 12 1/8 in.)
DR1988:0291:023 R/V
- Drawings and notations have been executed on both sides of a manilla envelope.
inscribed - by the draughtsman, in black felt-tip pen, c.r.: "WIDO[W] HOUSE / OLD FARMER HOUSE"; and throughout: with a date and numbers inscribed - by the draughtsman, in black felt-tip pen, throughout: with a name, telephone number and dates
© Estate of John Hejduk
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