Plan and section for girders and joists on the attic floor, Fonthill House
October 1849
- One of a group of working drawings for William Burn's October 1849 project for Fonthill House, Wiltshire, a country house designed in the Jacobethan style. This group represents only one of the projects that Burn proposed for Fonthill House; the final project, executed in 1856, was much smaller (Walker, 31, illustrated in Hitchcock, vol. 2, fig. VIII 31). Drawings include plans, elevations, and sections, as well as full-scale drawings of masonry details. Approximately half of the drawings are part of a numbered series from one to twenty-two, while the other drawings, mostly masonry details, were not numbered. These latter drawings are not as carefully finished, and a few are incomplete.
Pen and black ink with watercolour
secondary support: 65.6 x 97.1 cm sheet: 65.6 x 97.0 cm
- The edges of the sheet are stained and frayed, particularly along the b. The sheet is wrinkled and has come unglued from the secondary support at the l.l. corner. The u.l. and u.r. corners have pinholes.
inscribed, numbered, and dated - by the draughtsman, in pen and black ink, u.l.: "Fonthill No. 9, / Plan of Girders, Joists etc. Attic Floor."; u.r. and c.r.: with titles of sections and types of materials used; and l.r.: "6 Stratton Street, / October, 1849."
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