St. Peter's Convent, Woking: Plans for the ground floor, including a site plan
- This plan is a revised version of DR1989:0015:069. Changes to the original design include the small grouping of rooms at the side of the porch which was added and then crossed out at the u.l. The outside wall of the refectory has also been modified.
- This work is part of a group of drawings and reprographic prints of drawings for St. Peter's Home, Woking, and St. Peter's Convent, Woking, from the offices of John Loughborough Pearson and Frank Loughborough Pearson (DR1989:0015:011 - DR1989:0015:085 R/V). Composed of contract and working drawings including plans, site plans, sections, and elevations dated between 1881 and 1936, these drawings were sold at auction by the convent along with those for the older institution of St. Peter's Home, Kilburn (DR1989:0015:001 - DR1989:0015:010). Both St. Peter's Home, Kilburn, and St. Peter's Home, Woking were commissioned from John Loughborough Pearson by Benjamin Lancaster. The alterations to the Home at Kilburn were commissioned on behalf of Lancaster's wife, who founded the home and a lay nursing order which ran it. The institution at Woking was founded by Lancaster as a home for incurables in 1882 and dedicated to the memory of his deceased wife (Quiney 67-68, 254-255, and 284). It was probably first known as St. Peter's Home, Woking, not becoming a convent until ca. 1934.
- Although the inscription refers to the "cloister", it is the dormitory which is shown in this drawing, according to the current use of the terms (Fleming 1991).
sheet: 45.0 x 64.0 cm
inscribed and dated - by the draughtsman, in graphite, u.l.: "S. PETER'S CONVENT, WOKING / LOWER GROUND FLOOR WITH MAIN ENTRANCE / REFECTORY, KITCHEN ETC & NOVICES CLOISTER."; l.r.: "F.L. PEARSON ARCHT / 29 COURTFIELD RD. SW7 / FEB. 1935"; and throughout: with notations and numbers identifying rooms
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