Section for decorative drop details [?] for the tribune for Notre-Dame de Montréal
Pen and black ink over graphite and graphite
sheet: 41.4 x 65.9 cm
- The l.l. to b. and l.r. parts of the drawing have been torn off.
inscribed - by the draughtsman, in graphite, u.l. to l.l.: "long t[?] / 1 1/4 feet of stuff 1 foot wide / [illeg. two words] 1 inch or 1/8 thick for pannels. / 4 pieces 12 feet or 12 4 long / and 1 1/2 or 1 3/4 thick / 11 inches wide for connecting / pilaisters [sic] / 8 pieces 12 ft or 12 1/4 long / 6 1/2 in wide 1 1/2 or 1 3/8 thick / for edges of pilaister [sic] / 12 pieces 12"4 long 3 1/2 inches wide / 1 3/8 thick for edges of [underlined] pilaisters [sic] / 8 pieces 9 feet long 3 thick 4 1/2 / wide and 4 pieces 8"6 long / [?] thick and 4 1/2 in wide for / import projections / 24 pieces for pannels [sic] of pilaister [sic] / 3 feet long 11 1/2 wide 7/8 thick / 8 pieces for pannels [sic] 8 ft 3 / long 15 wide 7/8 thick / 4 do [?] 9 3 long 19 1/2 wide / 7/8 thick / 2 do [?] 8 ft long 19 wide / 7/8 thick / 24 superficial feet of 1 1/2 / stuff for base and [illeg.] / [illeg.] for pilaisters [sic] / 50 superficial feet of 1 1/2 / [illeg.]" [part of the drawing with the continuation of the inscription has been torn off ]
Montréal Île de Montréal Québec Canada
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