The Rock-Cut Temples of India
Personnes et institutions:
  • Robert Gill (photographer)
  • James Fergusson (author)
  • Unknown (assistant)

The Rock-Cut Temples of India


published 1864

Quantité / Type d’objet:
1 book(s)
Technique et médium:

Albumen silver prints


book (approx.; closed): 22,3 x 15 x 4 cm comps. (range): 4,8 to 9,7 x 7,2 to 9,1 cm secondary supports (approx.; bound): 21,3 x 13,5 cm

Numéro de référence:


Caractéristiques matérielles et contraintes techniques:

- Contemporary binding consists of reddish-brown, embossed, cloth-covered boards with a reddish-brown leather spine, gold gilt inscriptions and gold gilding on the paper edges. Endleaves are of dark green paper. The book contains a title page, divisional titles for the two chapters, a preface, a table of contents, two introductions, diagrams and 74 photographs, one of which is attached to the title page and the others of which are individually mounted on light whitish brown paper and accompanied by text. Pages that have imprinted text have a red ink border framing the recto and verso of the page, except for the 73 pages with photographs, which only have the red ink borders on the recto. Each of the 73 pages with photographs are separated by a blank piece of light whitish brown paper.


imprinted - in typescript and gold gilt, on the cover, recto, u.c. to l.c.: with title [with floral design]; verso, u.c. to l.c.: with title [with floral design] imprinted - in typescript and gold gilt, on the spine, u.c.: with title; l.c.: "FERGUSSON" imprinted and dated - in typescript and black ink, on the title page, u.c. to l.c.: with title and / "ILLUSTRATED BY SEVENTY-FOUR PHOTOGRAPHS TAKEN / ON THE SPOT BY MAJOR GILL / DESCRIBED BY JAMES FERGUSSON, F.R.S. M.R.A.S. / [with photograph PH19810202:001] / ROCK-CUT FORTRESS OF DOWLUTABAD. / LONDON: JOHN MURRAY, ALBEMARLE STREET. / 1864." imprinted - in typescript and black ink, on the title page, verso, l.c.: "LONDON: PRINTED BY R. CLAY, SON, AND TAYLOR." labelled - in typescript and blue ink, on a yellow label attached to the l.l. of the back pastedown, u.c to l.c.: "BOUND BY / BONE & SON, / 76, FLEET STREET, / LONDON." [framed by a decorative border] numbered and inscribed - by an unknown hand, in graphite, on the front flypaper, verso, u.l.: "580/px / xx + (2) = 78pp / incl [The ?] actual mounted / photos / [illeg.] 580" inscribed, signed ? and dated - by an unknown hand, in pen and black ink, on the frontispiece, c.: "Caroline Neller / [Bloom Hall?] / Fanny Baugh. / H. [B. Stanley Scoti ?] / 1895."


Ajanta; Maharashtra; India;

  • architecture
  • ingénierie
  • peinture
  • sculpture
  • topographique
Mention de crédit:
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal

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