The Manchester Ship Canal, A Pictorial Record of its Construction, Vol. I. - Eastham to Latchford
published 1894
Gelatin silver bromide prints
album: 41.3 x 31.3 x 7.6 cm
- Contemporary binding consists of half dark green leather with stamped gold gilt trim and lettering on green cloth boards.
Inscribed; stamped - The/MANCHESTER SHIP CANAL./A Pictorial Record of its Construction,/ 11th November 1887, to 1st January, 1894./ORIGINAL PHOTOGRAPHS AND NOTES/ BY/G. HERBERT BAYLEY, A.M. Inst. C.E./AND/HORACE C> BAYLEY./Vol. I.---- EASTHAM TO LATCHFORD./"Forsan et haec olion meminisse juvabit" - Virgil AEneid, Lib.I./Manchester:/J.E. CORNISH, ST. ANN'S SQUARE./MDCCCXCIV. (printed in red and black inks, on title page); Copy no. 13/G.H.B. (in black ink, in unknown hand, on sheet facing title page, C) stamped - BOUND BY/HY. BLACKLOCK & CO./MANCHESTER (printed in black ink, on label adhered to endpaper, LR)
Manchester; England; United Kingdom;
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